The Demokrative aims to keep administrative and fixed costs low. The work of the board members and, in some cases, the work of the executive management are carried out on a voluntary basis. Activities and projects are financed by earmarked support from foundations, membership fees, donations and revenues from our activities. The association Demokrative – Initiative for Civic Education is tax exempt due to its non-profit status.

Finances and Collaboration
The cooperation and responsibilities of the Board of Directors, management and team are governed by business regulations. Despite modest salaries, Demokrative values fair working conditions. Employees have a 40-hour week and five weeks' holiday per year, working hours are recorded transparently and Demokrative contributes to the costs of decentralised working. The office staff are employed on a part-time basis or contracted as freelancers. Instead of a physical office, Demokrative maintains a virtual workshop.
Voluntary work is very important for the management of the association (board members, partly the executive management and IT-Support work on a voluntary basis) and association members punctually devote their time, network and know-how.
Donations and Benefactors
Donations allow the Demokrative to invest in project planning, development of the association, professional work and the acquisition of project funds. For donations from CHF 50.- per year onwards, Demokrative issues donation receipts to deduct the donations from taxes.
With an annual benefactor contribution, you make a decisive impact on the sustainability of our activities and give the projects, the team and all those involved a perspective.
Donations to the association's account
Demokrative - Initiative für Politische Bildung
account number Postfinance: 61-375904-7
IBAN: CH52 0900 0000 6137 5904 7
Donations via TWINT
To donate via TWINT, you need the TWINT app (only works via swiss bank accounts): [Download App here]
Link for donations via TWINT to the Demokrative: [Link]
We are always interested in meeting new foundations to discuss potential funding, in connection with a specific project or the development of our association. Please do not hesitate to contact the association secretariat by e-mail at:
Since 2017, our projects, and projects in which we participated as a partner, were financially supported by the following institutions (list in alphabetical order):